You're always in control of your Paducah Bank Debit Card

Fight fraud, set up helpful alerts and keep track of all your activity


Create alerts

Define what type of activity will generate notifications. 

Set up travel alerts

This helps ensure your card transactions process smoothly. 

Report a lost/stolen card

You can act quickly to help keep your accounts safe. 

Manage your card using our digital banking tools

Whether using Online Banking or our mobile app, you can set rules for how your Paducah Bank Debit Card is used and monitor all activity involving your account, whether you're here in Paducah or traveling far beyond Kentucky. Just follow the follow the steps below.

Debit Card Alerts

Managing Card Alerts can take place from both the Manage Alerts and Manage Cards menu option.


Manage alerts screens will show the cards tied to the user at the bottom of the screen, under the Card Alerts section. Click each card for greater detail and alert setup.

Manage Alerts, Security Alerts, Card Alerts

When clicking the > to the right of the card, the below screen will appear. To enable card alerts, click the circle to the right of 'Enable alerts for this card' 

Edit Card Alert: Card Name, Card Number, Enable Alerts for this card

By enabling alerts for this card the following screen will populate allowing a customer to select which alert type they’d like to enable

  • Approvals
  • Denials
  • Both

Once Card alert type is set an email address and phone number will need to be entered.Click SAVE

Enable alerts for this card, alert type, email, phone

Alert Type: Approvals, Denials, Both Approvals and Denials

Edited information with card name, card number, email and phone number, click Save

Manage Cards will show the cards tied to the user and if they are in a card on/off status. By clicking the > to the right of the card, you can access greater information, including the ability to manage alerts for that particular card

Manage Cards: My Cards

To set up an alert for the card, click Manage Alerts

Edit Card: Manage Alerts

When clicking the > to the right of the card, the below screen will appear. To enable card alerts, click the circle to the right of ‘Enable alerts for this card’

Edit Card Alert: Card Name, Card Number, Enable Alerts for this card

By enabling alerts for this card the following screen will populate allowing a customer to select which alert type they’d like to enable

  • Approvals
  • Denials
  • Both

Once Card alert type is set an email address and phone number will need to be entered.Click SAVE

Enable alerts for this card: Alert type, email, phone

Alert type: Approvals, Denials, Both Approvals and Denials

Enable Alerts for this card: alert type, email, phone number, click Save


Set Up Travel Notifications



On the Manage Cards Tab, select the card to edit then select Travel Notification.

Manage Cards: Travel Notifications

The Travel Notification window will be displayed.

Travel Notification: Locations, Beginning Travel Date, Ending Travel Date

In the Locations field, enter your final travel destination and anticipated major stops. Each location name will be displayed in a separate box. A maximum of 50 characters is available for the Locations field. If you go beyond 50 characters, the counter will turn red. Select the X displayed by the location or use the Backspace button to remove a location.

Provide locations and press Enter after each one, up to 50 characters

Select the Begin Travel Date field, then choose the first date you will be traveling. You will only be able to select a date that is on or after the current date.

Select a Date

Select the End Travel Date field and choose the last date you will be traveling.

Select a date


Once you have completed these fields, select the Submit Travel Notification button. The Travel Notification Success window will be displayed.

Travel Notification, provide locations

Travel Notification Submitted

Select Close Window to return to the Card Management Tab. The message “Travel Notification is Active” will be displayed under the Travel Notification section during the travel period (Begin Travel Date - End Travel Date).

Enable Automatic On/Off: Travel Notification is Active

Change Your Debit Card PIN


From the Manage Cards tab, select the card to edit and select Change PIN.

Manage Cards: Change Pin

The Change Card PIN window will display. Enter a new 4-digit numeric PIN, then re-enter the PIN in the designated boxes. 3. When a valid PIN is entered, the Change PIN button will turn green. Select this button to apply the new PIN.

Change Card Pin: Enter Pin, Re-enter Pin

Card PIN Change Alert Process for Your Digital Banking Users

In addition to the email notification, users can also set up a security alert that will notify them each time a PIN Change occurs on their account.

Select Security from the New Alert window.

New Aert: Security

Select Card PIN Change from Alert Types.

Card PIN Change

 Select the method and device/email address.

New Security Alert Information

Select Create, and a notification will be sent via the method selected any time the PIN is changed on the card.

Schedule Your Debit Card On/Off


From Managed Cards tab and select the card to edit

Manage Cards

My Cards

Under the scheduling section you will find a Enable Automatic On/Off Button.

Enable Automatic On/Off

Click Add New Schedule Action to set the time range. Hit Save Schedule at the bottom of the screen.

Add a New Schedule Action: Save Schedule


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